The Secret Sauce to Sprinkle on Your Business to Make Mo’ Money 💰 With Mo’ Ease

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I’m just gonna cut straight to the chase here loves.

If you’re not leveraging your mindset and manifestation in business… You’re missing out!

There are a multitude of ways to use mindset and manifestation in your business, but there is no specific right or wrong way to do this. The magic is in figuring out how to make it work for you.

Today, I'm breaking manifestation down into a woo and not so woo way.

I'll be honest, I love the woo side of manifestation, but I'm also a rational thinker who is fascinated with human psychology. I find when we blend our mindset work and lean into our faith and trust with manifestation, we can increase the speed in which we get what we want.

I'll keep the science light here, but have you ever noticed that when you're on the lookout for something, you suddenly see it everywhere?

That's our reticular activating system at play. That part of our brain has the job of focusing and finding what we tell it to focus and find. When we focus on the things we already have and are grateful for, as well as the things that we want to bring in, our brains actively look for ways to bring that in faster.

If we apply that to the spiritual view of manifestation, it's really in alignment in that whatever we focus on we attract because we're bringing ourselves into the energy and level of vibration of that thing.

I believe that if I can approach things from all angles and speed up that process, why wouldn't I do that? (Type A personality here!)

So, I’m gonna share with you the way I overcome the biggest manifestation hurdles and what I see work time and time again for me clients to help them create wild results in their business.


When we're able to take the pressure off of ourselves and lean onto support, it takes so much resistance away, and we can receive our desires more quickly.

Resistance is the main issue I see my clients and audience having, which keeps them from receiving what they want. When we can open up our brains to be more accepting of what it is we want (without resistance), we bring that thing in with so much ease.

Here's the thing, whether you're conscious of it or not, you are already creating your reality.

Whatever you focus your mind on, you create more of. I'm not saying everything is your fault, but we do have more control over what we're creating in our lives than we often think.

Once we can see how we created something phenomenal in our lives, we can see what we did to bring that in.

Often resistance can look like being uncertain about "the thing" coming to you, being worried about it happening, or being fearful about the end goal. The thing is, you can never attract what you want if you're holding resistance around it.

The part that we often get stuck in is forgetting to lean into the faith and trust that it's going to happen. Changing this requires an epic amount of mindset work and the ability to lean into getting support around this.


When you’re able to lean into faith and genuinely trust that what you want is on it’s way to you, you’ll always manifest what you want faster.

When we're able to surrender our trust to someone or something bigger than ourselves and believe that everything is working out for us, it takes so much pressure off of ourselves. When we know we don't have to control every minute detail, we can release the resistance, take action, and keep our minds focused on what we do want and not what we don't.

One hack I've found that works for me and my clients, is to overshoot where you want to be and act as if you’re already there.

Every time I've made huge leaps and bounds in my business, it's always been because I acted from the outcome of what I desired. I tapped into what it was going to feel like on the other side.

Here’s a personal example:

With this business, I held a deep-seated belief that I knew I was going to achieve success.

I stretched myself in the sense of hiring help before I could afford it, got two part-time jobs, made the decision to quit them once I'd been there for six weeks, and signed two clients. I was able to take these actions because I acted from a place of having already reached my goal, not of where I was sitting presently.

It's all about being in the energy of what it is you want to create. Then, tuning into your intuition to see what is going to be the most fun, aligned, and easy way for you to create from that place.

Two different people can show up with the same confidence, strategy, and qualifications. Still, if one is not aligned with and believing in what it is she wants to create, she won't produce the results to achieve the "thing".

Every time you reach a new level or aspire to be on a new level, you face resistance getting there. That’s not BAD, it’s just how it works. Your power is in leveraging tools and practices to help you continue to pull yourself outside of your comfort zone. When you genuinely, deeply believe that what you want is going to happen, you take action to achieve that goal.

So, now you're probably asking, "How the heck do I break through resistance and get aligned with the thing I want on the other side?".

Here’s my FAV way to overcome that:

Get yoursel a magical order book.

Ya know how when you go to a restaurant and place an order, you don’t question whether it's on the way right?

You  place your order, sit back, and wait for it to come to you.

Your order from the Universe is the same way. I have an order book where I've been writing things down that I want since May of 2018. And loves,  every single thing I've written to the Universe has come true!

So head on out to your closest stationary store (Officeworks has them if you’re in Australia!) and get yourself an order book and start getting into that energy of EXPECTING that of course your desires are on their way to you! 

Tell me loves: 

What are you naming and claiming to receive this month? On a level of 1-10, what level of resistance are you feeling around this goal?

And make sure you head on over to my group: The Purpose Driven Badass Entrepreneur, get your order book and let us support you in the belief that it’s on it’s way to you!