How I've Made Multiple 6 Figures Off of 850 people

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Other business coaches might tell you differently, but I’m here to assure you that you don't need a large audience to create a large income. My business has generated MULTIPLE 6 figures from focusing on a Facebook group with only 800 people - and yours can, too.

And if you’re skeptical (that’s cool boo) are some numbers to show you what I mean:

  • My very first challenge group had 10-12 people and I signed 2 high-ticket clients after we finished.

  • Our first 5-figure month was within eleven weeks of launching the business and I had less than 40 people in the Facebook group. 

  • I’ve had a fully booked coaching practice since month three

  • Our company hit 6-figures cash in hand, in under 10 months, and all of our sales came from our FB group - which was under 350 at the time. 

This truly reflects how well we do business, how loyal our clients are, and how WELL we’re making that money. But what’s so much more important than the money to me is serving my people insanely well. 

There’s a big difference between making a lot of money, and earning it in a way that’s aligned with your values and gets results for people. You don’t have to have the same values or business as me, but what you DO need is to find out what’s right for you and create a system that leverages that. 

There are FOUR things we’ve done to generate this level of income in a short amount of time - and with a small audience. Think of this as your money-making foundation that applies to everything and can work in any strategy- not just a Facebook group

1. Pick ONE place to serve your humans and get FIERCE about showing up consistently

Pick one platform to show up in OFTEN. Even if you think no one is engaging, even if you think there aren’t enough people to sell in front of, even if you think they’re not reading your content. All of those thoughts are going to pop up because you're human, but they MUST not stop you.

When I had my group of under 50 people, there were times when I thought, “What if no one buys? How am I going to make sales? What am I even DOING?!” 

But the difference was, I didn’t take action or create anything from that place of fear.

I put energy, intention, and value into the group and showed up almost every single day for TWO YEARS. I consider this group my friends, my people, I love hanging out and getting to know the women in this group. I LOVE this space and how it gives back to me just as much as I’ve poured in.

2. It’s not about getting the most people. It’s about getting people the most results. 

With this visibility strategy comes new content almost daily with Live streams, Q&A’s, mini trainings, workshops, anything we can to add value to the space and enables them to get results just from the free content alone. Everything we put out: podcasts, blogs, emails, whatever it is - always drives back to this Facebook group. 

I’m good at knowing what gets you results in your business. My entire goal when starting this business was to help women earn money in their businesses before ever hiring me.

The reason why our conversions are so good is because people have gotten CRAZY results before even signing up with me 1:1. In the first two weeks of this group, our free calls and trainings helped 3 out of 10 women launch and sign clients JUST with our free content. I get messages EVERY time we host a free training series from women saying how much it’s helped their business and the results they get blow my mind every time.

If you are intentional about really helping people with free content and value that’s actually 10x more valuable than so-and-so’s group program or DIY course, you will make an INSANE amount of conversions and have REPEAT clients on the regular. 

That is good business. 

3. Treat your audience and your content like you’re already earning that 5k, 10k, or 6 figure goal you have.

I asked a question in my Facebook group the other day that brought up a piece of beautiful information: “If you knew you could make 6 figures with the audience you have right now, would you show up differently?”

And the answer was a resounding “YES.”

We often find a smaller audience unmotivating, so we don’t show up or pour as much into our content or our people. I 100% get that you’re not doing this on purpose or even consciously, but the key to you making the level of income you want right now is acting like you’re ALREADY earning that income that you’re desiring. 

We need to do some shifting of our perception. We can’t expect to make that level of income without giving THAT much value. 

This isn’t to shame anyone at all. But I cannot emphasise enough that this is the secret under the whole foundation of my business. We have to shut down the fear in our brains and build up that confidence. 

All of those thoughts that come at you saying “nobody’s listening, you’re not good enough, no one cares” are all very real, and it’s part of the internal work you have to do when starting your business. Knowing you are good enough, feeling good about yourself, and focusing on how you’re able to help others will get you there. 

For those of us who are heart-centered and care deeply for our humans, an income goal isn’t going to be as powerful as focusing on the CHANGE we can make. When we anchor into that, it makes it so much easier to take the action required to create the result you want.

4. Know your people the MOST. 

You have to know what they’re thinking about. What they’re afraid to say out loud. What they think is holding them back and what’s ACTUALLY holding them back. Then you have to get good at articulating that in a way where they’ll understand why they need you from where they're standing. Where we’re standing is very different from where they’re standing. Make it feel safe for them to move forward. 

It’s so easy to forget that we as women are damn good at being emotionally intelligent and building relationships. The easiest way to sign clients is to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. It is that simple and basic, but at the same time it is hard to do. 

Knowing where you’re people are at and what they're struggling with will help you build that bridge so it’s easier for them to walk across and take that next step to work with you. 

And be very willing to OFFER and ASK at first. You create the sales. Be willing to offer support and do the things that are uncomfortable but are going to serve your people. 

The biggest nugget I want you to takeaway is this:

TRUST yourself and what you’re doing and know it’s going to work, no matter how you apply this to your business. You can still have INCREDIBLE impact with a small group, which is the whole goal anyway, right? If you have any sort of audience in front of you, I’m willing to bet that you CAN make the level of money you want to make right now.

With love always,


Curious about HOW to create the impact and cash money you want to bring in by mastering your conversions so you can spend more time working in your zone of genius and enjoying your life and less time marketing?
I’m kinda a boss at this (see above) and I’d love to chat to you about how I can support you to create these results in your business fast.